Aqua Green

Portable / Fixed Gas Detectors

Portable / Fixed Gas Detectors

These single-gas and multi-gas monitors, including PID detectors, controllers, and wireless alarm bars, provide continuous, real-time monitoring for toxic gases and gamma radiation. Toxic gases are typically measured in parts per million (ppm), while oxygen is monitored by percent volume. Combustible gases are usually measured as 0-100% of the lower explosive limit (LEL). Portable gas detectors, classified as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), are essential for ensuring personnel safety by detecting gas hazards and allowing for mobile testing of environments before entry. These compact devices are crucial in areas where gas hazards may be present, as they continuously monitor the operator’s breathing zone, whether stationary or in motion.

While fixed gas detection systems offer protection, they remain stationary and cannot move with the operator. This creates a risk that the operator might enter an area outside the detection range of the fixed system.

Single Gas

Single gas detectors are typically used to identify the presence of a specific hazardous gas in an environment. They are often integrated into safety systems and are primarily utilized to detect gas leaks in pipelines. These detectors are connected to control systems to trigger preventive actions when needed. Additionally, single gas detectors are equipped with alarms to warn operators or workers, prompting them to evacuate the area if a danger is detected.

Multi Gas

Multi-gas detectors are designed to simultaneously detect the presence of several gases within a specific environment. This capability allows users to respond appropriately to multiple hazards at once. These detectors are equipped with industry-standard communication interfaces like RS485, 4-20mA current loops, and RS232 outputs. Some models also feature built-in memory to record measurements for later analysis.

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