Aqua Green

Sugar & Distillery Plants

Industry Specific Solutions for

Sugar & Distillery Plants

We possess deep expertise in the challenges of the sugar industry and have extensive experience in delivering customized solutions.

The primary products of cane sugar processing include raw sugar, white sugar, and refined sugar, while bagasse, molasses, and filter cake are by-products. Bagasse, in particular, serves as a fuel for boilers, generating steam for the process and making it a renewable resource. We have a deep understanding of the dynamic conditions within a sugar factory, especially how climate and seasonal changes impact plant operations.


We offer customized solutions that encompass the supply of chemicals, equipment, services, technical consultations, and process performance optimization. Our water solutions address every stage, including influent water, utility water, process water, and discharge water. These solutions are designed to significantly enhance productivity while reducing operational costs.

Power Plants

Utility &
Process Water


Distillery Operations

Our specialty chemical treatment program for


Our chemicals for

Process Applications


Value Added Services

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